First up is Butterick 5323. I'm not crazy about versions A and B. That type of bodice just looks baggy on me--too low cut and droopy, I'm afraid, although it looks great on that model. Also, I'm not such a huge fan of balloon skirts. Honestly, the pattern drawing makes that poor girl look like she's wearing a curtain. Ugh. But how adorable is version C?! Every girl needs a dress like that one, I think--simple, flattering, and the shirred waist means that it will be comfortable to wear even while sitting. Always a plus in evening wear! I don't know if I'll make a huge fabric flower to go with it. I think I'd prefer a brooch. I don't own a brooch, so this dress will be a good excuse to get one. I'm really into cranberry red these days, so I'll probably make it in that exact color, too. Hopefully it won't look too brides-maidy.

Butterick 5324. I actually found this one accidentally while digging through the pattern drawer at Joann's. I almost always randomly select about four patterns in a drawer and check them out. You never know--sometimes you come across fun stuff! Or, you come across yet another tote bag pattern. But still, it paid off with this pattern! Not at all my style, to be totally honest, and I'm not crazy about the straps. But check out that bodice! I ran across this style bodice about a year ago and learned that it is called a "crumb-catcher." So. Awesome. I like a dress that can be both utilitarian and lovely. If I make it, I probably won't use golden yellow. Maybe chocolate brown? Or is that too boring? Also, I'll probably leave off the straps entirely or spruce them up a bit. They look pretty dumb to me, as they are.

Butterick 5331. I'm not sure when I'll get around to making Version D. At the moment it is way too cold to wear this type of short-sleeve jacket, so this will probably be a spring project. Still, super cute. I love the princess seams and the little cap sleeve. I'm gonna go out on a limb, though, and say that those are totally fake pockets. Bummer.

McCall's 5929. I'm generally not into ruffles--they look cute, don't get me wrong--but I really like this shirt. I even like the plaid. It looks like this girl took an old Xmas dress her mom made her (you know the kind--the floor length one, with the black velvet bodice that your grandmother hopes you'll still wear when you're sixteen) and made it into a totally chic shirt. I'll probably make version A, since I like 3/4 sleeves. I have some cream dotted swiss around--bet it would be perfect for this one.

McCall's 5884. This one looks like it has a lot of ease in it, so I'm a bit worried about the fit. But the sleeves on version B are so adorable, I couldn't resist. And I'm really intrigued by the idea of doing a lace overlay, but it would have to be the right kind of lace, or it could turn dowdy fast. I don't want to look like I'm wearing a doily. I'm completely smitten with those sleeves, though! According to Nancywin's review, there is an inner sleeve and an outer sleeve, to keep the shape. I've never made that kind sleeve before. It's so nerdy, but I'm super curious how it is done.

Vogue 1086. This pattern is from a while back, but I'm just getting around to it. It's not something I would have picked out a few months ago, but I think it will end up being pretty and comfortable. It might be especially nice to make a version for my sister, as a post-pregnancy dress. She'll want some things that are flattering to her figure, but that will help transition her back to her old clothes, too. Those gathers along the waist should be perfect. The only thing that bothers me about this dress is that it is unlined. That makes no sense to me. This is a $30.00 pattern! I can add a lining pretty easily, but I much prefer it when the pattern includes one already. Especially for a dress like this, I think. Sigh. Well, maybe this will be a good excuse to make a slip.

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