Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hawk Attack Drill!

During the last month we've been heading out to a nearby field once or twice a week for a family walk. We let Tessa off-leash to run around for an hour or so and she absolutely loves it. So far, no snakes, which is good. She found one about a year ago in a field, actually--I turned around to see her sniffing a gopher snake experimentally, delicately poking at it with one paw. I hope she never tries that with a rattler!

Anyway, she's so good off-leash that the only thing we really worry about are hawk attacks. At 16 pounds, she's not much bigger than good sized rabbit and while I think a hawk would have a hard time carrying her off, I don't want one even to try! So J! has been running hawk attack drills on Tessa:

The slow spiral inwards.

The attack!

Eh. T-dog goes back to sniffing a clot of dirt.

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